HTC : Dropbox pour contrer iCloud ?
La firme Taïwanaise vient en effet d’annoncer avoir conclu un accord avec Dropbox permettant à ses utilisateurs de bénéficier de 5Go d’espace disque pour la sauvegarde, dans le nuage, de leurs documents. Une façon pour elle de faire face à la solution d’Apple, iCloud.
C’est via sa page Facebook que HTC a officialisé cet accord avec la société américaine localisée à San Francisco, en Californie. Les futurs acquéreurs de smartphones HTC verront donc l’application Dropbox préinstallée sur leurs appareils et bénéficieront de 5Go pour stocker leurs données, reste à savoir quand, aucune date n’ayant ...
Patriot Act Turns 10, With No Signs of Retirement
The USA Patriot Act, the law granting the government vast surveillance powers that was adopted in the wake of September 11, turns a decade old Wednesday.
But despite its namesake of “United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism,” the law seemingly is being invoked far more to target domestic crime than for fighting terrorism.
The act, which has remained largely the same since President George W. Bush signed the legislation six weeks after 9/11, among other things gives the government powers to...
Modern Algorithms Crack 18th Century Secret Code
By Mark Brown, Wired UK
Computer scientists from Sweden and the United States have applied modern-day, statistical translation techniques — the sort of which that are used in Google Translate — to decode a 250-year old secret message.
The original document, nicknamed the Copiale Cipher, was written in the late 18th century and found in the East Berlin Academy after the Cold War. It’s since been kept in a private collection, and the 105-page, slightly yellowed tome has withheld its secrets ever since.But this year, University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering...
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