Anonymous Skeptical of Proposed Attack on Zetas Drug Cartel
OpCartel, an announced Anonymous operation to take on the Mexican drug cartel known as the Zetas, seems like it might be in line with Anonymous’s recent shift away from pursuing lulz in favor of morals-motivated attacks against pedophiles, misbehaving corporations and repressive regimes.
But despite the press that the announcement garnered, there seems to be little support among Anonymous for the action — and there’s hints that the announcement is meant to bring into being the very attack it’s actually threatening to carry out.Anonymous has launched a number of...
Upcoming Kinect Development Kit Could Change In-Store Shopping
The Xbox Kinect is Microsoft’s big push into motion-controlled gaming. You don’t even need a controller to play. Just move your hands and feet with gestures that the Kinect understands, and — voilà! — you’re kicking footballs, competing in dance challenges, and shooting down bad guys.
But now, one year since its launch, the Kinect has gone way beyond video games. It could change our retail buying experiences, and reinvent the way we shop.
A commercial version of the Kinect software development kit will be made available in early 2012, Microsoft announced on Monday, opening the door for...
China Builds World-Class Supercomputer Sans Intel, AMD
China shook the international establishment last year when it unveiled the fastest supercomputer on the planet, besting its closest American rival by the number-crunching equivalent of a country mile. But last week, the Middle Kingdom’s newest supercomputer arrived with a much greater rumble — even though it’s unlikely to crack the world top 10.
Revealed last week at a conference in Jinan, China and profiled in The New York Times, the Sunway BlueLight MPP supercomputer doesn’t use microprocessors f...
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