Found: Carnival Prizes of the Future
- By Wired Magazine Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
- November 1, 2011 |
- 12:30 pm |
- Wired November 2011
The Jason Segel, Unlikely Hero Behind the New Muppet Movie
Segel says he shed a tear or two when he saw Kermit read his lines for the first time.
Photo: Art Streiber; styling by Kasey Blue Wicker/; grooming by Cheri Keating for Lab Series at The Wall Group
Jason Segel has a filthy sewer of a mind. What other possible conclusion could one reasonably draw from the 31-year-old’s body of work? Since appearing in the lone season of NBC’s cult high school series Freaks and Geeks, Segel has become closely associated with its executive producer Judd Apatow’s profane juvenilia. It was Segel in Knocked Up earnestly asking Seth Rogen for his...
Why Wikipedia Is as Important As the Pyramids
Illustration: Brock Davis
On July 31, 2007, an old Japanese silver mine known as Iwami Ginzan was declared by Unesco to have “outstanding universal value” and added to the World Heritage List alongside Stonehenge and the Pyramids. Local Japanese were bewildered. Abandoned in 1923, the site now consists of little more than a hole in the ground.
Fast-forward four years. At the Wikimedia Conference in March, a German coalition proposed that Wikipedia become the first digital World Heritage site. A petition was drafted, declaring Wikipedia “a masterpiece of human creative genius.” Unesco was not im...
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