Mexican Cartels Hang, Disembowel 'Internet Snitches'
It’s no secret Mexico is one of the world’s most dangerous places for working journalists. However, you’d think commenters on web forums and blogs would be treated differently — exempt, perhaps, from retaliation for speaking openly about the country’s deadly drug war.
You’d be wrong.
On Tuesday morning in the sprawling northern industrial metro of Nuevo Laredo, just across the Texas border, the bodies of two residents were found strung by their arms and legs from a pedestrian overpass. The appearance of the man and woman, both in their twenties, revealed signs of torture. The woman was...
Intel Lays Out Vision of 'Cloud 2015'
The big cloud presentation at Tuesday’s IDF was a post-lunch session called, “Driving towards cloud 2015: a technology vision to meet the demands of cloud computing tomorrow” by Intel Senior Fellow Stephen S. Pawlowski. Pawlowski’s job at Intel is “pathfinding”—he’s one of the guys who looks at long-term trends and tries to help steer the company in the right direction. As a big-picture guy, Pawlowski’s presentation was necessarily pretty general, since he had a ton of ground to cover in laying out the trends and issues that Intel sees as shaping cloud computing between now and 2015.
Hands-On: Theatrhythm Makes a Game of Gorgeous Final Fantasy Tunes
TOKYO — As soon as Tokyo Game Show opened, I made a beeline for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. The promise of a rhythmic music action game based on the great music of the Final Fantasy role-playing game series proved much too much to resist. I was pleased to find that the demo version of this Nintendo 3DS game lived up to the promise.
Much in the same way that Final Fantasy role-playing games are divided up into battles, exploration and cinematic “event” scenes, so is T...