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Displaying items by tag: police

May 31, 2006: Pirate Bay Raided, Shuttered

2006: Swedish police raid The Pirate Bay website and shut it down.

“Pirate Bay was a huge source of pirated films for people around the world, and today they are no longer.”

That was a statement issued exactly five years ago Tuesday by Kori Bernards, a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture Association of America.

After all, Swedish police that day had just raided the file sharing site’s offices and carted away a boatload of servers.

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Published in WebDesign
Tuesday, 26 October 2010 16:34

WebBuzz du 26/10/2010

Voici une course poursuite qui se fini bien heureusement ... mais pas sans casse ...

Published in Webbuzz

Margot est une police de caractère conçu et optimisée pour l'affichage en grandes tailles.

Published in WebDesign
Friday, 02 March 2012 07:48

WebBuzz du 02/03/2012

En Chine, une jeune maman portant son enfant était assise sur le bord d'un pont routier. L'emplacement étant dangereux, un homme avait signalé la jeune femme aux autorités qui ont immédiatement dépéché un policier sur place. Juste au moment de son arrivée, il semble que la jeune femme tentait de passer à l'acte et c'est in extremis que la policier parvient à la bloquer. Aider d'automobilistes, la jeune femme et son enfant sont prises en charge et définitivement éloignés du bord du pont.
In China, a young mother carrying her child was sitting on the edge of a road bridge. The location is dangerous, a man called the authorities and immediately they despatched a policeman on the spot. Just before his arrival, it seems that the young lady tried to jump over the bridge and it is in extremis that the police managed to block her. Assist by drivers, the young woman and her child are safe and definitely away from the edge of the bridge.

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