Mardi, 24 Mai 2011 21:43
Gevey SIM Updated To Gevey Pro Plus; No Dialing Required
The Gevey SIM has recently been updated to Gevey Pro Plus. As you aready know, there is no software base unlock for the iPhone 4 on higher basebands including 04.10.01, 03.10.01, and 02.10.04. As mentioned earlier, the Gevey SIM can unlock the iPhone 4 on higher basebands, but the process requires you to dial 112 (an emergency number) in order to unlock it. This newer version which was recently released does not require any emergency number dialing and you don’t need to unlock it on every reboot of your device either. The rest of the features are the same. The SIM will help unlock the iPhone 4 on basebands which are unlockable with any software such as Ultrasn0w. These basebands include 04.10.01, 03.10.01 and 02.10.04 and you can use any iOS firmware including the latest iOS 4.3.1 / 4.3.2 / 4.3.3 without requiring to jailbreak it first. The only requirement it has is for you to place your unofficial network carrier SIM card with the Gevey SIM Pro Plus in your iPhone device and that’s it. The Gevey Pro Plus will still be dialing 112 but without bothering yo to do the process. In just a minute or two you can have your unlocked device ready for dialing and SMS. You can check out a video of the Gevey Pro Plus in action below: We will update you as we get more information on it. Stay tuned for more on this topic by following us on our new Facebook page, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. You may also like to read: Authors:
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