Samedi, 19 Mars 2011 18:39
E-book Sales Jump Up 115% According to AAP Reports
According to a recent report released by the Association of American Publishers, e-book net sales have increased to $69.9 million compared to $32.4 million in January 2010, continuing the rapidly rising demand for electronic books while sales of hardcover and paperback books continued to fall. The sales have increased 115% compared to sales this time last year as well. Sweeping technological changes have worried the book industry as it tries to attract e-readers and tablets such as the iPad – introduced into the publishing market as overall U.S book sales have declined. It isn’t surprising to see such a change though since you can read e-books on just about any device and not just e-readers. Adult hardcover sales fell from $55.4 million in January 2010 to $49.1 million in 2011, while adult paperback sales have decreased 30 percent in the same period, according to the AAP. Sales in the high education category held relatively steady, dropping only slightly to $382 million for January, 2011 from $387.6 million for the same period the year before. What do you think of the statistics? Are you one of the many who hopped on the bandwagon and started purchasing e-books as opposed to hardcovers and paperbacks? Let us know in the comments below! As usual, stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. Authors:
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