Mercredi, 09 Février 2011 18:15
Ultrasn0w Unlock For iPhone 4 (BB 02.10.04, 03.10.01 04.10.01) Almost Ready For Primetime
Good news for those who are eagerly waiting to unlock their iPhone 4 with baseband 02.10.04, 03.10.01 or 04.10.01. TheiPhonewiki’s admin @Veeence who works closely with iOS hackers confirmed that apart from unlocking iPhone 4 on baseband 02.10.04 (iOS 4.1 build 8B117) and 03.10.01 (iOS 4.2.1 build 8C148), iPhone Dev Team will roll out updated ultrasn0w unlock for iPhone 4 on latest firmware iOS 4.3 (bb 04.11.02) soon after iOS 4.3 is released. @reputeinfosys the unlock is pretty much done. They’re just waiting for iOS 4.3 now. I don’t like repeating myselft, but spirits are still confused? Your unlock (BB >=02.10) will come after (and only after!) 4.3 is released. >= means “equals or greater than”, so 2.10, 3.10 and 4.3?s baseband (likely 04.10?) will all be covered. @a_ziadeh93 ultrasn0w will be updated to unlock those basebands. [Sources: 1,2,3,4] There have been rumors that iOS 4.3 will be released on February 14th and if we go by official statement by Musclenerd, updated ultrasn0w should be ready by Feb14. Veeence has also confirmed that unlock for iPhone 4 will not be released immediatley after the iOS 4.3 releases, it will take atmost 2 weeks. Most likely to exploit the latest baseband 04.11.02. iPhone unlockers can however retain unlock on iOS 4.2.1 using following guide: Stay tuned for more new and info on this topic by following us on Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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