Rise of the Anti-Content Farmers
Editor’s note: The following guest post is by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, the CEO of WatchMojo, a producer and distributor of premium video content. Read his other posts here, or follow him on Twitter @ashkan
My cohort at Revision 3, CEO Jim Louderback, recently wrote an article
The Ink of War: Afghanistan Air Base's Best Tattoos
Tattooing, an aggressive and intimidating mixture of endurance and art, is as old as warfare itself. But each generation, and each war, yields its own warrior body art. In Afghanistan, America's longest war, troop tats have matured alongside the culture's growing acceptance of ink.
To any repeat visitor to U.S. military bases in Afghanistan or Iraq over the past ten years, it seems like soldiers get more ink as time passes. Bureaucratically, the military still has an ambivalent attitude to tattoos, a vestige of justified fears
Kanye West Loves Twitter, And We Love Twitter For Kanye West’s Tweets
You’ll forgive me for sneaking in some pop culture in the mix because it’s Saturday and all, right? Rapper Kanye West is having a bit of a moment on Twitter the past few hours, apologizing for the Taylor Swift incident from last year when he stormed the stage during the artist’s acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards to complain that Beyonce should have won the Best Female Video award instead.
But not just that. He’s also