Mercredi, 09 Février 2011 05:50
FDA Approves Radiology App for iPad, iPhone And iPod Touch
The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first diagnostic radiology application for mobile devices, including both the iPad and iPhone. Mobile MIM, developed by a company called MIM Software allows medical professionals to send the sophisticated medical imagery to an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to analyze them. The app in question, is the first of its kind to be formally cleared by the FDA for the purpose of viewing images and making medical diagnoses based on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear medicine technology, such as positron emission tomography (PET). Although the FDA says the app is not meant to serve as a complete alternative to the established workstations already in use as hospitals and medical facilities, the app is billed as a suitable alternative “when there is no access to a workstation.” William Maisel, M.D., M.P.H., chief scientist and deputy director for science in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health says: “This important mobile technology provides physicians with the ability to immediately view images and make diagnoses without having to be back at the workstation or wait for film.” What’s more, the use of the app may reduce the chances of an incorrect reading or diagnosis as the Mobile MIM application includes sufficient labeling and safety features to mitigate the risk of poor image display due to improper screen luminance or lighting conditions. The app has already been approved by Apple and is expected to hit the App Store sometime next week. It will be available in 14 languages across 34 countries, including the US. [Source: FDA] Authors:
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