Mercredi, 21 Septembre 2011 12:00
Equation: The Law of Rainbows
- By Julie Rehmeyer Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
- August 30, 2011 |
- 12:30 pm |
- Wired September 2011
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Mercredi, 21 Septembre 2011 12:00
TV Fact-Checker: Getting Civic Duties Right on Parks and Recreation
Behind every smart TV show, there is a tireless script coordinator, technical adviser, researcher or producer who makes sure the jargon is right, the science is accurate and the pop culture references are on-point. To get a better sense of who keeps the angry nerds at bay, spoke with fact-checkers behind the fall TV season’s geekiest shows.
Know how many steps it takes to construct a public park? Or perhaps how to run for mayor of a small Midwestern town?
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Mercredi, 21 Septembre 2011 12:00
Dr. Seuss Expands His Dominion With a New Compilation
- By Rachel Zurer Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
- August 30, 2011 |
- 12:30 pm |
- Wired September 2011
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News