As IE8 Begins To Fall, IE Finally Drops Below 50 Percent Browser Share
It was just two years ago that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser controlled 67 percent of the worldwide market, according to data from web analytics company StatCounter. It has been all downhill from there.
According to the the latest data from the company, last month, September 2010, marked the first time IE fell below
Poll: 68% Of Users Want The Digg “Bury” Feature Brought Back
Digg founder Kevin Rose just tweeted out a poll regarding the controversial Digg “Bury” feature, which was taken off the site in the latest Version 4 redesign reportedly due to issues with “Bury
Pulse Takes An Angel Round, But Where Are The Angels?
Something tells me the venture capitalists are just about done having their lunch eaten by the “super angel” crowd. This morning we wrote about Hipmunk raising a $1 million angel round, but the super angel usual suspects (other than SV Angel) weren’t part of the deal. Lots of individual