The Pentagon wants robots that can maneuver through pretty much any environment, from dense forests to towering city skyscrapers. So the Navy is trying to learn from creatures that can already do it all, by
Vendredi, 08 Octobre 2010 06:11
Fish, Birds and Bats Inspire Navy's Next-Gen Drones
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News Technologique-Tech News
Vendredi, 08 Octobre 2010 05:43
Facebook Groups Is Sort Of Like Google Wave For Human Beings
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the new Facebook Groups. It seems well-thought-out (yes, despite the sometimes annoying opt-out aspect) and well-implemented, but
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Vendredi, 08 Octobre 2010 05:00
New Belgium Sneaks Up on the San Francisco Mission
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News