TC Teardown: 13 Ways To Get To $10 Million In Revenues (Part I)
After last month’s TechCrunch Disrupt, and to provide a business companion to the popular “Lean Startup” customer development methodology, this TC Teardown focuses not on how one specific company makes money but rather seeks to provide a breakdown of the main general ways consumer Internet startups try to make money. Consider it a guide to Internet business
Students Code The Night Away At HackNY’s Student Hackathon
More than 200 students from 33 universities gathered Saturday afternoon to attend HackNY‘s fall Hackathon at New York University‘s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Fourteen companies, including Meetup, Aviary and, demoed their APIs before students settled into couches and chairs to brainstorm ideas while noshing on
Students Code The Night Away At HackNY’s Fall Hackathon
More than 200 students from 33 universities gathered Saturday afternoon to attend HackNY‘s fall Hackathon at New York University‘s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Fourteen companies, including Meetup, Aviary and, demoed their APIs before students settled into couches and chairs to brainstorm ideas while noshing on