Jeudi, 06 Octobre 2011 18:13
VIDEO. Le retour catastrophique d'Axl Rose
Publié le 06-10-11 à 18:00 Modifié à 18:13 par Le Nouvel Observateur
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News Technologique-Tech News
Jeudi, 06 Octobre 2011 18:00
VIDEO. Le retour catastrophique d'Axl Rose
Publié le 06-10-11 à 18:00 Modifié à 18:13 par Le Nouvel Observateur
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Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Jeudi, 06 Octobre 2011 18:00
'This Stuff Doesn't Change the World': Disability and Steve Jobs' Legacy
When I heard that Steve Jobs had passed away, I was boarding a train from New York to Philadelphia to visit my son. A friend phoned and then text-messaged me the news before I could read it on Twitter. It felt, I said later, as if someone had torn the hair out of my head.
When I did tweet, the first semi-coherent thought I was able to write about Jobs was also about my son:
I’m on my way to PHL to see my son, who uses a device Steve Jobs invented to help him talk. He will never know. He will never know.
My son is on the autism spectrum and has a severe receptive and expressive language delay....
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News Technologique-Tech News