Net users angry at the introduction of the Stop Online Piracy Act, also known as the “E-Parasites Act,” are attempting to force the White House to oppose the bi...
Mardi, 01 Novembre 2011 19:36
Amit Gupta's Quest: Life, Death and Social Media
Amit Gupta has until the end of November to find a life-saving bone marrow donor, and his friends are willing to pay. The campaign, called Amit Gupta Needs You, was started by Gupta himself and his social-media-savvy friends. Their plea for marrow has swept across the web via Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, gathering hundreds of new potential marrow donors along the way.
Some news stories have said that Gupta, who has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, has a 1 in 20,000 chance of finding a perfect match because he is of South Asian descent. While the odds aren’t quite so dire, a...
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Mardi, 01 Novembre 2011 19:21
Thousands Petition Obama to Block E-Parasites Act
- By David Kravets
- November 1, 2011 |
- 2:21 pm |
- Categories: politics
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News
Mardi, 01 Novembre 2011 19:00
Video: DIY Airship Sets Altitude Record
- By Jason Paur
- November 1, 2011 |
- 2:00 pm |
- Categories: Air Travel
Published in
News Technologique-Tech News