Visibli says that brands can also use the Engagement Bar to encourage fans to engage with the links and content in the bar in exchange for points and rewards. Of course, the Engagement Bar can be used by anyone for free. In fact, during the closed beta, bloggers reported retention rates averaging 12% higher for the number of visitors who returned to their blog via the Engagement Bar after clicking on links to outside content.
Visibli says that this is a way for web publishers and users alike to get the most out of the links they choose to share. It does seem to solve a problem for brands and companies who want to add a presence to any links they send outside of their network. Visibli, which has raised funding from Extreme Venture Partners, faces competition from StumbleUpon. The company is already working with a number of companies and brands, including sports agency Octagon Digital.

Authors: Leena Rao